11043380_10204376274182054_908693710103957928_oJulia Kay’s Portrait(online) Party began 5 years ago with 1 person – Julia Kay, as she shared photos of herself with friends so that they could have a reference photograph for their own drawing practice. Steadily since then, the membership and the coterie of artists has grown to include 895 artists and ~40,000 portraits that were made in the course of time. The celebration began March 8 with a Neighborhood Portrait Party, an event open to public in San Francisco at the Alley Cat Bookstore. We made groups of 5 and each one of us took turns modelling for the rest of artists 10 minutes at a time. March 28, 29, is the actual JKPP member’s meetup and we hope to put faces to our online friends. It is an amazing experience to meet someone you have gotten to know through their art and to be actually see their artwork in hand.












L->R, Robert, CJ, Jana, Terry, Uma