Story of mentoring 5 artists (who I have not met before) remotely over 3 months. If it works, then this becomes the blueprint one replicate in future with lesser planning......
This is a packing list that can fit travel of multiple weeks as long as washing every 7-9 days is possible. I used this list for Summer 2022 when I......
Day 0, Sept 29 Flying from San Francisco to Boston, bus to South Station, rental car to Bar Harbor, reached at 12:15am. Long day which began at 5 am. Thankfully,......
The boys and I went to a local Mexican restaurant on a weekday and saw this view towards the gas station. The sky was more gloomy than my rendition. However,......
2022 is the fifth year of Direct Watercolor Challenge – a challenge that Marc Taro Holmes ideated and both he and I have conducted+participated in. Marc and I will co-host the #directwatercolor2022......
What was the main purpose of my purchase of this book? To revitalize my brain to think like a camera man while I composed pictures. The author’s aim is to......
Darkening by mixing thick pigments is making my nocturnes lose the luminance that watercolors have. Ultimately I am coming to the conclusion that using pigments that are inherently dull and......